Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


spilling seed

Yesterday wound down to its appointed end. In this case that means work. All trace of being away from the ordinary has left me. The trip is just a memory now and I am back to work and the rest of the mundane things that make up a day.

Other highlights from yesterday that I neglected to mention include cleaning the grill, making patties from the ground chuck that I bought and doing laundry. The high quotient of excitement that is generated from these activities might explain why they were overlooked in the previous entry.

Enough. I shall not whine.

I often think that I react more to things than actively seek them out. I keep my passive stance of hovering off to the side gathering data and evaluating what I see around me. Observation. Actually the phrase solve et coagula means something roughly along those lines. The short essay that I lifted the phrase from said that it was what the alchemists did in their time. The exact words by Alan Moore are as follows:

Our first scientists, the alchemists, described this process by the formula of solve et coagula, to dissolve and reassemble. Later ages preferred terms such as analysis and synthesis, but the idea remains the same. In analyzing something we take it to pieces and examine it. In synthesizing something, we put all the separate pieces back together in a form that's hopefully improved.

After a time that Latin phrase seemed a little haughty to me so I abandoned it for something more basic.

So what else has been on my mind. Sex or the lack of it certainly crosses it from time to time, but I see that as being normal and generally don't talk about it much.

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