Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


dream landscape

Peering at the clouds on the drive home. Canyons that slope upward instead of down carrying rain that may or may not. Water vapor hills and valleys that ebb and flow above me. Wondering what it must be like to walk over and through them. Then when I do get home there is thunder in the background as I type. Low bass heard and vaguely felt through the floor. Another part of summer that I love.

Even after working third shift for a year, I still make adjustments to my sleeping pattern. One would think that I would have it all figured by now, but I try to keep it fairly flexible. Lately instead of waking up at four or five in the afternoon, I convince myself to sleep until seven. This still gives me enough of a buffer before I have to go into work at eleven and I get more sleep. I am not one to just wake up, hop into the shower and then roll out the door. I need some to adjust to being awake.

Yesterday I was probably too hasty in saying that everything is right in my life. Without a doubt there are things that could be improved or that I might change, but overall I am happy. What I should have said was how I seem to take more of life in stride now. It takes more than it used to in the past to get me upset. Of course all of this will last until I have my next irrational outburst over something trivial.

No longer do I stress the fact that I work in a field that has no connection to what my major was in college. None of that matters to me now and I know that it is quite common. My situation really isn't that unique. Besides the job that I have pays well and does challenge me from time to time. Actually the learning curve is quite awkward. I seem to learn something new whenever something goes wrong.

I made the mistake of going to sleep without turning the air on first and woke up in a sweatbox. Tomorrow is supposed to be even worse.

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