Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


summer sunday

Despite my dreading the heat today, it wasn't that bad of a day and spent a fair amount of it outside. Since my parents are out of town for the holiday weekend they wanted me to stop by their place to bring in their mail, add some chemicals to the pool and in general just check up on the place. So while I was there I decided to go for a swim.

In an effort to avoid another burn, I slathered on the sunblock before I even stepped outside. Two hours later in the midday sun, my body had taken on a slightly dingy appearance, which is much better than a lobster red. Of course floating around a pool is a little different than being in a kayak on the ocean. I doubt that the sun reflects as much off a pool than it does off the surface of the ocean. Finding shade to escape the rays is also much easier when I don't have to paddle for minutes to get to shore.

I went inside at about one-thirty in the afternoon and promptly fell asleep on the livingroom floor. My body was still on a third shift schedule and the sun and being outside had taken their toll on me.

I left for home exactly twelve hours after I had arrived there in the morning. Part of me wanted to stay and do some stargazing, but it wouldn't get dark for another two hours yet and I had things to do at home. I did however manage to see the evening star rise as I drove home, but had no idea what planet it might be. My guess would be that it was Venus. There was a time when I used to know these things. Maybe I should invest in a new telescope to get back into it.

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