Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


waiting for sunset

The temperature in the house dropped ten degrees while I slept. I have no idea how much cooler it got outside, but that doesn't matter, because I don't sleep outside. Before I got the air conditioner there were times, when I contemplated sleeping outside on my porch. I kept trying to think of a way to make a shelter for privacy yet keep it open enough to feel a breeze. The best that I could come with was to hang a few light blankets over the railings and hope that they didn't blow away during the night. Of course I never did put this idea to the test. Buying an air conditioner seemed like the more sensible thing to do. Besides I am sure that I would have drawn some unwanted attention from my neighbors, if they had seen me sleeping on my porch.

I'm not sure why I talk so much about the weather. They say that you only talk about the weather when you have nothing else to say. The thing is that when I watch the news, it seems to be the leading story on almost every channel, so I am probably not alone in complaining.

In my case heat puts a halt to all mental activity. I can not do a thing when I am hot, because all that I can think about is how can I escape the heat. My two biggest pet peeves would be hot weather and crowds. I can't stand either one of them for very long. Of course other people love both of these things and see them as being perfectly normal. Some people even try to combine the two of them and call it fun.

After taking shelter from the heat for most of the morning, I ventured out to run some errands. The first thing that I did was drop off a disposable camera to be developed, which I call the mystery camera. I have no idea what is on the camera or when I took the pictures. Of course when I finally see the photos, it'll all come back to me.

I like photos, but I just can't seem to get into taking them. Not owning a camera doesn't help either. Actually the last time that I owned a real camera was a decade ago and I have no idea what happened to that one. Somehow it got lost and I just never got around to buying another one to replace it.

With it still being the holiday weekend, every store and movie theater was packed with people trying to escape the heat. So since I didn't want to deal with crowds of people, I got some food and went back home where I pretty much wasted the rest of the day. The heat was tolerable in my house, but I still felt like a prisoner.

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