I want to liberate you Whoa. I'm not quite sure what prompted the emotional outburst yesterday, but it won the honor of being the longest entry in a long time. In hindsight some of what I said made sense, but other parts got muddled as they usually do. Logic and reasoning can not always apply to human relationships if ever. I did not want it to be a rant either. When I was with whatever previous girlfriend there was a good reason at the time, but things change with time and people are no exception to this rule. Okay, I think that I have said enough about relationships without me actually being part of one at the moment. Today I'm not feeling quite as chatty as I was yesterday. Then again most of what I rambled on about yesterday had been milling around inside my head for weeks. It was just a matter of finally typing something out. I haven't even scratched the surface of all of the Springsteen music that I just bought, but what I have listened to so far is great. It seems strange to be listening to music that was first made when I was four. I'm not sure of when it was that I first heard Springsteen, but he certainly appeals to me now. My parents never had any Springsteen in their collection. More than likely this is because they had made the switch to country music when I was fairly young. When I was growing up it was a mixture of Dolly Parton, Kenny Rogers and Crystal Gayle. I think that I'll take a few days off in the beginning of August and head to the northern part of the state to do some biking and relaxing. Hopefully with it being toward the end of the season I'll get to avoid some of the summer tourists, but I can't be sure. Part of me would like to go back to Nova Scotia one more time this year, but I am trying to keep my spending to a minimum so that I can buy a new computer this fall. When I keep telling people that I want to see Eyes Wide Shut, no one seems to care that this was last film Kubrick made before he died. This is the man who gave the world 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange and Full Metal Jacket.