not enough sleep For the past two days I haven't been sleeping very well and I'm not sure why. I doubt that the weather is causing the problem anymore, but something in my subconscious seems to be bothering me. My sleep has been short and less than satisfactory leaving me tired and irritable. With my lack of concentration and lowered tolerance for minor issues, work has become a bit of a struggle. To be more precise, work is the last place that I want to be when I am tired. It is very hard to do customer service, when I am operating on about four hours of sleep. I tend to put people on hold much more often. Actually I not only put the last call that I got on hold, but proceeded to let the receiver fall to the floor after I did so. The person on the other end of the line was less than helpful in giving me more details to help them. So in my highly agitated state it made perfect sense to lash out at the inanimate object since I couldn't reach the person on the phone. It probably wouldn't be in my best interest to mention this charming little habit of mine during my next job interview. Something tells me that most employers might frown upon this kind of behavior. I, however, get a great deal of pleasure from it. Okay. All that I need is one solid day of sleep and I should be myself once again.