Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


not feeling well

I really didn't feel like myself yesterday and I don't know why either. For most of the day I couldn't breathe and my body felt stiff. None of my symptoms were painful, more than anything they were annoying. It was the kind of ache where the joints seem to move in slow motion, with my neck and elbows being the most noticeable. Sudden body movements were not appreciated, but curling up under blankets became pure bliss.

At first I thought that it was the usual changeover from third to first that was making me feel odd, but my head was still all stuffed up this morning after nine hours of sleep. So I couldn't blame it on a lack of sleep. Then again my nine hours wasn't a sound sleep. I remember waking up quite a few times.

Part of me thinks that my body aches might be due to the sudden shifts in temperature we keep having here. It was in the eighties Sunday afternoon and then there were frost warnings for Monday night. Now that I think about it some more, none of this should surprise me. At the start of the fall season, my body never adjusts smoothly or to be precise I refuse to acknowledge that it is getting colder. I get so used to just lounging around in nothing but a pair of shorts that I don't stop when it starts to get cold. It isn't until I get sick that I start to change my habits.

I read what I wrote a year ago and I had to wonder about it. Most of the entries were me sifting through what had happened between Brenda and I. To be blunt at the time it was the focus of the journal. Now with a year gone I can't believe that I spent so much time on something that I seldom think about now. It all seems so distant to me. Those feelings that I filled my mind for months have vanished.

Of course she was the last person that I was involved with in any sort of romantic way, so any new entries along those lines have yet to happen. Since that time I haven't asked anyone else out or come across anyone that really caught my attention. Nor do I have any idea when that will change.

As the year slowly winds to a close, so many people are wondering where they will be for New Year's Eve this year. For me this isn't a problem, because I know exactly where I'll be. I'll be at work just like I was last year. It'll be a slightly different crowd, but the setting will be the same.

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