Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


some common sense

The day did not start off well. I let myself fall asleep at one in the morning only to wake in one hour intervals until I finally gave up at five in the morning. Each time I woke it took a moment to realize that it was okay to be sleeping before I tried to go back to sleep. Why I even bothered to try is beyond me. I should know by now that since I work third shift that sleeping at night does not work for me. One would have thought that the rain would have helped me to sleep, but it didn't. Once I gave up on sleep, I had a rather productive morning and left the house before noon.

I decided to go visit my parents this afternoon to do some laundry and get a free meal while I was there. I wasn't in a mood to cook and I needed to get out of the house. The only drawback is that I get bored once I am there for any length of time and want to go back home. Eight hours seems to be my limit for staying there.

I braved the rush hour traffic in the steady rain and made it back to my place without any problems. Most of the traffic seemed to be going in the other direction.

Then when I was home, I placed the futon mattress underneath the new mattress that I bought from my parents. Why I didn't do this sooner I do not know. For the past few weeks the futon matress has been lying folded on my bedroom floor taking up far too much space. I didn't know what to do with it at the time. One thought was to wrap it in plastic and store it in the basement, but I never did it. Actually using it seems like an even better idea though, because now I have my bedroom back and an even more comfortable bed. Common sense is a good thing to use every so often.

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