more words from me The line between my professional life and private one blurred slightly this morning. The third shift crew got together for a party thrown by our boss. It was nice and slightly awkward to see these people in a different setting. I know them and yet at the same time, I don't know them. Since the temperature was to be above the freezing mark for most of the day, I wanted to get my car washed. All of the salt from the road has lightened the overall color by a few shades. However, it seemed that everyone else wanted to do the same thing as me. Already at eight in the morning, there was a long line at the nearest car wash and I just wasn't in the mood to wait. From here to the end of the entry, the words are being written on the last day of the year, which isn't that unusual for me. With my third shift schedule I often warp time and blur the lines between days. At the moment, I feel good about my life and look forward to the new year. I have no idea what may happen to me, but so far my life seems to get better with each year. One slightly morbid thought has been placed in my mind by reading a journal entry written by someone else. In his entry he mentioned that all of the people that I know will die within the next hundred years. That sounds so odd and was a thought that would never have crossed my mind until he wrote it. Maybe forty years from now my grandchildren might ask me what I remember about this time and I'm curious as to what I might say. One has to wonder if I'll I go on and on about the computer problems or will that simply be a bad joke by that time. People in the future probably won't even care about our current crisis. They might just cluck their tongues and laugh to themselves about all of the fuss that we made. To be honest, I'm not really focusing that much on the big picture. Right now I am concerned with very ordinary things like getting some sleep before I go into work tonight or what I am going to do for the weekend. I doubt that the world will be transformed tomorrow, but I am sure that the media will keep talking about it for weeks no matter what the outcome.