Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


some travel plans

For part of the night I avoided one of the managers who had made the negative comment about me the other day. Then at around three in the morning I started to relax, but I should have known better. In the guise of casual conversation he started to pump me for information about my review. To protect both myself and my boss, I purposely kept my answers very short and vague. The way that I see it is that if he wants to know how my boss does his reviews then he should ask him and not go through me.

The company uses a small form where the employee describes what he or she thinks that their goals should be in the coming year. Well, my boss gave me the form, but we have never discussed it which doesn't bother me. I already got my raise months ago so the issue of goals is very minor as far as I am concerned. Besides two other people in my department told me that neither of them has had a formal review in over two years and they don't seem to care either.

I suppose if I was truly upset with my job I could have used the review as a time to whine, but I would rather keep things quiet at the moment.

Before I fell asleep this afternoon, I managed to talk with my brother about our trip to Europe. He confirmed some of things that I thought he had planned. I had correctly guessed that he would like to go somewhere at the end of July or early August. Even though his expenses are few, I doubted that he would quit his job in May which is when I would have preferred to go on the trip.

My brother also told me some more about his old college roommate who is supposed to be our guide while we are in Europe. According to Trevor his friend has been through Europe multiple times and should be able to arrange places for us to stay. Even though this sounds good, part of me doesn't like putting that much faith in someone I don't know. So I am also planning the trip as though I were going by myself just in case something falls through with his friend.

I guess that our next step is trying to decide on what we both what to see and do. My brother definitely has an advantage over me in that regard. Instead of only having two weeks for the trip, I think that he is going to devote an entire month. What this means is that he doesn't have to limit his choices as much as I do. Of course we could focus almost entirely on what I want to see in the beginning of the trip and he could do whatever he wants after I return home.

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