year of the dragon Once again I am reading something that was considered hot over five years ago and I have to wonder who was reading it when it was new. To be more precise I've been wading through the overly hip to the point of being very annoying prose of Neal Stephenson. At the moment Snow Crash is not for me, but I am determined to finish it even though I think the man needs to meet an editor sometime in his future. I think that I stopped reading science fiction when I was twelve years old, because somewhere along the line all of it seemed very sad to me. From what I could tell each book was written by someone with poor social skills and over compensated for this deficiency with an imaginary world. The film Whole Wide World about a young Robert E. Howard would be a great example. Here the man who created Conan the barbarian was nothing more than a loser living in Texas in the 1930's. I have nothing against having a vivid imagination, but I don't want to live out someone else's fantasy. Of course this explains why so many women dislike science fiction, which so often it isn't geared towards them. Maybe I should hold off on forming an opinion on the book until I have finished it.