Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


press the reset button

So here I am after a few days absence loaded down with new stories and adventures to share. No, a small part of would like to say that that is true, but it isn't. Nothing much of interest happened during the missing entries. Most of Wednesday and Thursday were spent sleeping, while today I couldn't really sleep at all. Then when I wasn't sleeping I was at work. About the only thing worth mentioning is that I now know more about Prague than I thought possible. Rather than starting a new novel, I have been absorbing every little detail that I can about the city from one of the books that I got earlier in the week. Soon my mental map will be complete.

There were times when I started an entry the last few days, but I never got very far. I would sit and stare at the screen for a few minutes and then just walk away and go to sleep. Writing something didn't seem that important to me. Sleep was a much better idea at the time. It wasn't that I was depressed or angry. I just didn't want to have to try to put any thoughts into words. I just wanted to be free of everything and that included the journal.

Maybe I was trying to have a vacation without really going anywhere and sleep was the best way that I could achieve that goal. Whatever my reasoning for my actions, it was so nice to just stay away from the keyboard for a few days. I know that no one is forcing me to write anything, but I also see it as a healthy amount of discipline in my life. So often I let other things drift, but there are a few things that I want to remain constant. Usually the journal is one of them.

When I haven't been sleeping or working, I have been enjoying the Letterman reruns for most of the week, especially since they aired two of what I consider the best episodes. One of them had Madonna on it and the other had Drew Barrymore as a guest. On the Madonna episode she handed Dave a pair of her panties and then kept saying fuck during the interview. Then on the Drew episode she flashed Dave as a birthday gift. Maybe I am lowering my entertainment standards, but I thought that both of them were raw, unrehearsed and funny, which is not often seen on television.

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