going to gallifrey With my recent return to the world of science fiction, an old favorite show of mine worked its way into the conversation at work last night. I was suddenly reminded of what was an obsession of mine when I was twelve as I started to babble on and on about the British science fiction program Doctor Who to someone at work who had never seen the show. For me that hour and a half was pure entertainment that I looked forward to seeing every Sunday night on public television. Even today the opening notes of the theme music still makes me smile. I guess that I don't see the future being anything like the cyberpunk mythos that is so popular at the moment. Somehow I prefer a future with more camp and inhabited with people like The Doctor. Then again there are those crazy Daleks that he keeps on running into over and over. After getting what for me is the proper amount of sleep, I can actually form some real thoughts. To be honest, I've been operating on autopilot for the past week or so and today was the first day in a long time where I felt like me. I felt alive and I want it to stay that way. Then in what I can only describe as a form of relaxation and or mental cleansing, I listened to the following songs shortly after I woke this afternoon: The Cure