Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


please slow down

For two nights in a row, I've seen one of those electronic speed signs on my way to work. What I mean is that the local police set up a monitor that displays how fast people are going in their car. I guess they do this with the hope that people will slow down once they realize how fast that they are going. To further reinforce the idea that people should watch their speed, the actual speed limit is posted above the speed of the oncoming car.

Part of me can see their logic behind the signs, but I doubt that they are very effective. I should also mention that this particular sign is located at the bottom of a hill and a person has to ride his or her brakes all the way down to keep from going over the posted speed limit. I see this as being slightly unreasonable and I'm probably not the only person who thinks so.

Personally I am more inclined to see how high of a speed the sign can register. A friend at work told me he has seen ninety miles an hour on one of these signs, but I don't want to go to that extreme.

I'll admit that I speed, but unlike my siblings I have never gotten a ticket. The worst that I have ever gotten was a warning and that was enough for me. I like my low insurance bills and I plan on keeping it that way.

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