fighting stance I did not sleep well at all yesterday and that partly explains the previous short entry. Today, however, sleep wasn't a problem and it certainly made a difference. ... Watching the movie Fist of Legend with Jet Li today got me thinking about getting back into tae kwon do again. It's been years since I was in a class and part of me misses it. Something about it does strike me as being an art. Perhaps it is the controlled movements and sense of discipline that I admire the most. Without a doubt being in martial arts was the best workout that I ever got and it did wonders for me. It made me feel alive and was far more than just learning how to fight. I was amazed at what the human body can do and how poorly people understand it's potential. Of course I'm older now and the prospect of sparring with some over zealous seventeen-year-old does not appeal to me. Yes, I know that in reality those are the kind of people that would more than likely attack someone that I know or myself. However, I was never that much into trying to beat the hell out of my opponent. There were times when I would get lost in the moment, but it was never my intent to seriously hurt anyone. When I told a coworker that I used to be into tae kwon do, he was surprised and I can see his point. The general stereotype of people heavily into martial arts is that they are fairly aggressive and that is not how most people perceive me. Upon first meeting me people aren't aware of my nasty temper that flares from time to time. Generally speaking I do keep my anger under control and people are shocked when I do lose it. Nor do I openly advertise the fact that I can inflict harm on someone if they try to hurt me.