been a long time At first I wasn't going to write anything for yesterday, but then those thoughts about Nicole came to mind and I just started writing. After reading what I wrote I hope that I didn't give the impression that I am obsessed with her, because that isn't true. Nor do I ever see us going out, because part of me knows that it would never work. Of course none of this changes the fact that I still like being around her and want to get to know her better. Maybe with time that will happen. ... I left work not wanting to go home. The sky was clear of rain for the first time in days and it felt good to be outside. Suddenly I wanted to do something different, but I couldn't think of anything to do so I went home anyway. All that kept going through my mind was what does one do at eight in the morning on a Saturday besides sleep late or exercise? When I got home, I hauled my new canvas chair out to the porch and read. It was a little cool in the shade of the house, so I went back inside for a blanket to keep me warm. Then I discovered what my neighbor likes to do on a Saturday morning. He decided to cut his lawn and the noise sent me back into the house. Once he was done, I headed back out and watched as the sun ever so slowly came around the corner of the house until I was completely bathed in light. ... McInerney is a good read and it definitely reminds me of F. Scott Fitzgerald. If earlier this week I had been able to concentrate better, I probably could have been able to finish the book in about an hour or two, but that didn't happen until this afternoon.