career on hold For the second day in a row, I fell asleep before I was able to write an entry and I'm not sure why this keeps happening either. I guess that I could blame my odd sleeping pattern on the recent bout of hot weather that we are having here in Milwaukee, but that would be too easy. I mean it isn't as though I am sweating in my house anymore now that I have central air, but I still haven't been sleeping very well. ... Before I left work this morning I met the new person that is joining our department. She seems young and I guess that shouldn't surprise me, because the odd hours that we are offering would be more geared toward someone younger. Maybe this job is meant more to fill her time while she goes to school. At the moment I have no idea what her story might be and I am not much for first impressions. About the only thing that I know for sure is that this will be the person that I'll see the final two nights of my work week, so I am hoping that we get along well. It seems odd to think that I have been with the company for almost two years now. Both procedures and people in the department have changed and I'm not really too sure what to think about my place in the company anymore. Due to my length of time with the department I have seniority over a few people, but that was never that big of an issue for me. What is more important to me is if the job keeps me interested. On the surface I would have to say that I am content, but at the same time I have too many other things on my mind at the moment to focus that much on what I want to do next. Any changes that I might want to make with my career will have to wait until I get back from Europe. ... Another thing that I've been neglecting lately is signing up for a college course in the fall. The timetable has been lying untouched on my desk for days now and I really need to take care of this soon or suddenly it'll be too late and I'll regret it. Somehow I doubt that putting all of my energies into my job will be enough for me in the fall. I need some other kinds of stimuli besides work to keep me happy. Then there is that small matter of meeting some other people besides the ones that I see at work. ... Part of the night was spent reading a very sarcastic guidebook about Prague and this somewhat odd approach to describing a foreign locale appealed to me. I'm not trying to put down the city, but I also know that not everything that I see and experience while I am away will be wonderful. Sometimes books go to extremes when it comes to travel destinations and I have to try and keep everything in perspective or I might be let down by reality. I am also expecting some rough moments mixed in with the fun and my having a sense of humor about them will help smooth them over.