Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


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Being a Wisconsin native, I had heard a few stories about the famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright, but I wasn't convinced that there was enough drama there for a play. Apparently there was enough to generate a play that lasted for three hours or at least that is what I saw before I went to work. It wasn't the most exciting thing that I have ever seen, but I still enjoyed it. On the other hand I wonder how much interest all of the inside jokes about the state would hold somewhere else.

Since this is my third year of going there, I recognize all of the cast members and even have a few personal favorites. The lead that portrayed Wright would be one of them. The actor did a good job, but it seemed to pale in comparison to his George from last season's production of Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men. Perhaps it isn't fair to compare the two men, but I found George to be much more compelling than Frank. George was flawed and human, while Frank just seemed to be egotistical to me.


In my rush to get to the play, I forgot my electronic security badge for work at my house. I didn't realize this until I was already on my way to the theater and it didn't seem worth turning around to go back to get it. I knew that I could borrow someone else's once I was inside the building with my buddy Nicole being a prime candidate. My only other problem was getting someone to left me in the front door first. If this had happened during the day this wouldn't be an issue, but around midnight the traffic in and out of the building is very limited.

I did however have a solution for my front door problem. All that I had to do was call Ann and explain my situation. Over a pay phone a few blocks from work, I quietly asked her if she would do a favor for me and she said that she would have to think about it. Then when I told her what I had done she laughed and said that she would see me in a few minutes.

When I pulled into the parking lot and walked up to the door she was waiting there for me. She thought that she could tease me before letting me inside. She thought that she would get me to beg or do silly tricks. She was wrong. With her standing so close to the doors, it was enough to trigger the sensor and release the lock. She didn't know this and was surprised when I opened the door right in front of her.

Tonight was the first time that I had seen Ann since Sunday. I know that the last time that I mentioned her I said that I would going to pull back and give her some space, but by Saturday night Sunday morning we were back to our usual buddy routine. By this I mean some bouts of tickling mixed with neck massages, none of which is very professional but there isn't anyone around on a Sunday morning to stop us.

I truly enjoy my Sunday mornings with Ann. For me it's the perfect way to end my week at work.

We had made plans to go out on Monday, but she sounded completely miserable when I called her and said that she had to cancel. She went on to say that she hadn't been able to eat anything all day and couldn't sleep either because she was in so much pain. From what she was saying it sounded serious, but I didn't know what I could do if anything to help.

When I called back on Tuesday there wasn't any answer at her house and I imagined that she must have gotten better. I was wrong, but it wasn't until Wednesday that I learned that she had ended up going to the hospital earlier in the day and had to go back the next day for more tests. She sounded completely scared and it really bothered me, so seeing her healthy and happy tonight was great.

Once she got past the business problems of the night, she slowly relaxed and told me what was wrong with her. It wasn't nearly as serious as she had feared days ago. More than anything the doctors were being cautious.

Soon we were back into our playful routine where my tickling her earned me some punches to my chest and gut. Then she said that she was going to flip me, but I don't think that her outfit lent much to that kind of a move. I guess that she fancied herself a member of Charlie's Angels or something.

Her final gesture for the night was to pin her badge on my jeans before she left.

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