party of five Somewhere in the middle of the week it was decided amongst some of my coworkers that we needed to go out this Saturday night and do something. This sounded fine to me except for the fact that nothing had been agreed upon until I got there this evening. Here we were with a group of people ready and willing to do something, but we still didn't know where we were going to go. Suddenly I was having flashbacks of my high school career, where at least an hour of time would be spent trying to formulate a plan. I guess that not everything changes as a person gets older. Soon we were on our way downtown to eat some food and have some drinks. Donna wanted to ride with me. The other three members of our party followed us in another car. Riding with Donna was a bit of a contrast to being with Ann, but I guess that I should have expected as much since the two of them are as far apart on the personality spectrum as one could imagine. Naturally this difference makes them despise one another and I am caught somewhere in the middle. In my opinion I think that they both have their good points despite what they might say about one another. The conversation we had while making the twenty minute ride to the restaurant was probably the longest one that we have had in weeks and I was struck by one thing. She isn't nearly as open as Ann, but she does share a little if you wait. ... Later in the night Donna and I ended up splitting off from the rest of the group only to be joined by another woman friend of hers and mine. Between the two of them they convinced me to go to with them to another bar before I went to work. It didn't take too much prodding, because something about free alcohol is still hard to resist. I was not, however, going to call in sick like they kept telling me to do. ... When I walked into work about ten minutes late, I could tell that Ann was not nearly as happy as she was on Friday night. From what I could gather, it seems that our boss had a few words with her sometime today and whatever he said left her in a less than pleasant mood. What this meant is that it took her longer than usual to relax and it kind of bothered me. I don't like seeing her on edge and I don't think that it is something that she needs in her life right now. She already has enough stress without other people adding to it. Part of what caused her to be so sick earlier in the week was stress and I don't want to see her go downhill again. Of course my role as emotional support may or may not be appreciated, but sometimes I can't help myself and probably reach out when I should just stand back. Then the fact that I had just come from having a good time out probably didn't help either. Whatever her mood might have been, it wouldn't have matched what I was feeling. Before she left she did admit that she wasn't quite herself and that her mood had been much better earlier in the day. It was good to see her at least attempt to smile. ... As the night went by at work, I would glance every once in while at the Bring It On screensaver that Ann had installed on her computer. Now I know that she did it as a joke, but I still found it mildly disturbing seeing these moving silhouettes in my peripheral vision. ... Despite being fairly busy at work, I still found time to talk with my buddy Nicole for about an hour. The topics ranged from childhood stories of her trying to get her older sister in trouble to the reason why she doesn't like to wear a dress.