Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


what country friends

In an effort to make the play on Friday night a little more enjoyable, I decided to read Twelfth Night once more before I actually go to see it. As I read it in bits and pieces at work, I surprised myself but how much that I remembered. All of the gender bending and mismatched lovers stuff came back to me in an instant. There were even parts of dialogue that I knew word for word. It's been years since I last read it or any other of Shakespeare plays, but most of it stays with me which is probably what makes it a classic.

My only other concern at the moment is whether or not I want to dress up when I go to see the play. I might place seeing a play higher on the social ladder than seeing a movie, but I don't see that as enough of a reason to change my appearance. Personally I don't understood how what a person wears affects their perception of the play. I also know that I would be much more comfortable if I were wearing jeans. Oh, I am sure that people would argue that it is socially proper to wear better clothes for such an event, but I don't always listen to what society tells me to do. Nor do I care about what the people there will think of me, because they will probably never see me again. Besides I'm not trying to impress anyone when I go Friday night. Then finally there is the small issue of time. I may not have enough time to go home and change after the play before I go into work.

Before I fell asleep this morning, I finally finished reading These Demented Lands by Alan Warner and was a little disappointed with the book. Even though Warner wrote both of them, it didn't have the same impact on me as Morvern Callar did. The Scottish slang was still there and so was Morvern, but it wasn't as well done. In the first book Morvern was the driving force, but this time around she shared the narration with another character and was missing from parts of the story. Warner also seemed to be more concerned with being strange than developing any single character.

My disappointment with the book was evident in how long it took me to read it. I finished reading Morvern Callar in three days and I lingered over These Demented Lands for close to two weeks. It just didn't have the same appeal as the first book and it was easy to put it aside. Then again I was on vacation when I read the first one and could devote all of my attention to it.

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