Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


are you listening

Until yesterday, I had forgotten how much a four year old can talk and talk and talk and talk. My niece gave me a quick reminder as she switched from topic to topic. It didn't matter if I could keep up with her or not, she just kept on going.

At first she was telling me about the autumn party that she was busy planning. In order for everything to be perfect she had to decorate the table and chairs in a certain way with leaves that were going to be made from paper. This was followed by explaining the seating pattern that all of the guests had to follow when they sat down at the kitchen table. Clearly she had given this matter a great deal of thought.

Soon all of this planning was forgotten as she moved to the family room to repair her spaceship. From what I could tell this spaceship was the small chair that she uses when she watches television. Once again this was a very serious matter as she went upstairs and returned with her tool box and went to work. Within moments her tools were spread all around her as worked on something that I couldn't quite understand. My help was requested more than once, but I wasn't really sure what to do and said that she could probably do a better job than I could.

A few minutes later this repair work was interrupted, so that she could tell me that she plans on being Buzz Lightyear this Halloween. Naturally this announcement was promptly followed by a demonstration of her into infinity and beyond yell for me. The yell was gracefully accompanied by a jump into the air with grandma smiling behind her. Obviously this had been done a few times before I had seen it.

Right or wrong, my niece would qualify as a walking product endorsement. In other words she is a dream spokesperson. Without any hestitation she informed me that the new Disney Little Mermaid film would be coming out later this week and just exactly who was going to be in it. Once again this was vital information that I should have known.

The only reason that I got a break from her was that she had to go to preschool for part of the day.


Before I went to class this afternoon I sat outside on my porch and quietly read. All of the anxiety from the past week had been forgotten and I could focus on other things.

In my literature class, participation counts for about a third of the grade and is highly encouraged by the professor. More than once she has told us that she has no desire to lecture for the entire length of time that we are together.

For me speaking in front of everyone else isn't a problem and I freely express my opinion whenever asked to do so. Others however seem to be a little more hestitant. In fact today was the first time that I heard J Crew girl, who I have a mild crush on at the moment, speak in class. I wasn't disappointed when I heard her voice.

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