Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


future party central

Cool temperatures and a steady rain made me fall asleep within minutes of being home. In fact I didn't even make it to my bed and ended up on the couch instead.


There was some more talk last Saturday about me holding a party at my house. It seems that Donna and a few other people in the group are curious to see what my place looks like and I can't imagine why either. Maybe they are imaging piles of pizza boxes lining the floor and beer posters on every wall. That wouldn't be right though.

As far as I can remember, I haven't ordered a pizza the entire time that I have lived here. It just isn't me. Nor are my walls adorned with airbrushed women. Instead there are tastefully framed prints of famous paintings hanging on various walls.

From my point of view, I don't think that my place screams out single guy, but I could be wrong. Oh, I'll admit that my living room furniture is from my college days, but it's neither stained nor too unsightly. Then there are some fairly high odds of my guests getting a glimpse of some unwashed dishes in my kitchen. Somehow that chore has never really appealed to me and I tend to let them linger. Other than those minor infractions, I like to think that I keep a relatively clean and cozy place. It may not be up to the standards of certain people, but it makes me happy and that's all that matters.


I can't imagine having a party at my place, because of its limited size. A few people might be tolerable, but anything more than eight or nine would start to feel crowded to me. Nor would I know where to have everyone sit. It would have to be standing room only.

Then there is the small matter of food. In the past I've cooked for girlfriends, but I am not about to make a meal for a group of people. Once again it isn't me.


Of course when I offered up all of these excuses, I was told that pizza would be fine and that they were willing to sit on the floor. I guess that they just have to know where I go home after work.

Well, whatever I decide to do, I know that it won't be happening this Saturday or the following one. I'll be out of town for both of them.

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