Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


caught in a downpour

Sunday quietly started without my having any real plans for the day, but that was nothing new for me. It was enough that it was the weekend and a warm one as well. The weatherman had said that all of that would change in a few hours, but it hadn't happened yet. It was still summer despite what the calendar said.

The windows of the house were open as I cleaned, my primary activity when I have nothing else to do and one usually much neglected during the week.

A brief fours of sleep closed the gap between morning and afternoon and I was on my way to do some errands. Approaching rain could be smelt as I drove. I wanted it to pour and I knew that it would. Dark clouds in the west were bringing something exciting as I stepped out of Blockbuster with three movies in hand, two rentals and one purchase. Elizabeth with Cate Blanchett was mine to watch over and over.

Then it happened. When I walked out of the grocery store with a bulging plastic bag and a gallon of milk in hand, the sky was depositing rain. People stood under the awning of the store waiting for it to stop, but it wasn't going to be any time soon. After standing for a few moments, the idea of getting wet seemed less annoying and I stepped out into the downpour.

The rain was warm and steady. It may not have been a hurricane, but it was enough to weigh down my shirt to my skin by the time that I reached my car. That small moment in time was the best part of the day for me.

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