clouds of jupiter


fair beauty smiled

Seeing John Lydon on Judge Judy yesterday was mildly disturbing. No. I am not a regular viewer of the program, but when I see Johnny Rotten on television I usually pause long enough to see why. I kept telling myself that it had to be some kind of odd if not sad publicity stunt, but it seemed to be real or as real as the law gets in that circus of a room.

I have a feeling that Public Image Limited must not being doing that well for John these days if he has to submit himself to the humiliation of small claims court.


Quarter after nine in the morning and I should be reading Mrs. Dalloway for class this afternoon, but I think that I need a small nap first. With the overcast sky and relative silence of the house, the bed seems so inviting.


In the end I went to class without having read much of Mrs. Dalloway. Sleep was more important to me. I've read the book years ago, but I was hoping that other people would carry the class today so that I could sit back and reflect. Actually I probably remember more of Jacob's Room or The Voyage Out than I do about Mrs. Dalloway.

J Crew girl was sitting outside having her usual before class smoke, but I couldn't bring myself to sit down and start a conversation. It all seemed a little forced to me and I couldn't think of anything to say. Nor did the moment did seem right, so I went inside to find a seat. I sat in my usual spot and not on her side of the room. That could wait for another day.

Instead of speaking with J Crew Girl, I ended up talking with a friend of Party Girl. She had a job interview last week and I asked her if she had heard anything yet from the people about the job. She said that she has a second interview this coming Monday, which certainly sounds promising.

She is trying to get a job working with an autistic child, which is something that I could never do. I doubt that I would have the patience for such a job.


For a few minutes we were starting to wonder if we were going to class at all. Almost everyone was there, but the professor. Naturally her absence started up some talk about how long we need to wait until class can be considered cancelled. Almost everyone has heard the unwritten rule of waiting at least ten minutes for a professor and five for a teaching assistant, but most people agree that this isn't official policy. It falls more under the heading of what is rude and what isn't. Soon she arrived and class went forward as usual. It seems that she was spending some time with my buddy Party Girl discussing her paper.

After class I got a chance to speak briefly with Party Girl and wish her a good weekend.


I love the feeling of calm that I get after the end of class on a Thursday. I can walk at a slow pace back to my car and just take in my surroundings. To make things even better the drizzle from the morning had been replaced with a blue sky for the final hour before sunset.

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