clouds of jupiter


time for layers

I neglected to mention that my casual stroll to class twice a week has ceased to be as pleasant as it was when the semester started. Somehow the wind always seems to be blowing directly into my face and makes the walk much longer than I remember it being when the sun was still a visible source of warmth. After another week or so I should have regained my tolerance for the cold, but at the moment I tend to walk a little faster than normal with some odd mumbling to myself thrown in for effect.


Ann suspected that she had strep throat, when I saw her on Friday night so she left early to go to the hospital. I haven't seen her since then. About the only contact that I've had was a brief phone call this morning to see if she had made it into work. She had left early on Saturday, but I don't think that she wanted to miss another day.

In some ways not seeing her for the past two days worked to my advantage. Without her being at work I could concentrate on my homework. I know that that sounds horrible, but there are times when I can't be social and I also don't need to get sick.

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