clouds of jupiter


transformed landscape

According to the news we have a record snowfall for this December and I don't mind either. The past few winters have been fairly mild and rather free of snow, so this is a nice change of pace.


I think that I take the Jon Stewart approach when it comes to politics. On the Today show this morning, he said that all of them are actors and I have to agree with him. Not one politician is real to me. Like Jon said, whenever politicians campaign they have to say something that the public wants to hear and as to whether or not what they say really matters to them is reality.

Al Gore means nothing to me. George W. Bush means nothing to me. As far as I am concerned both of them are just as laughable or at the very most remote.

I also dug the line about getting the band back together with the appointment of Colin. Lighters in the air with shouts of do something from Iran Contra. Eighties nostalgia.

On a more serious note, hearing someone like Jon make those kind of comments makes me feel better. We're about the same age and knowing that not everyone is as swayed by politics is comforting. I don't see this as being apathetic either. So often people seem to blindly follow a party platform and can't see anything else.

Politics for me is far too abstract and I am saddened by the people that take so much of what they hear as being truth. Sound bites, catch phrases and empty promises are what I hear and I have no need for any of it.

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