clouds of jupiter


exploring option two

Can you say overconfident? Can you say cocky? I can. I should have put a disclaimer at the end of the entry for yesterday. I failed the exam by missing three questions. Insert long, long sigh here perhaps combined with some mild smacks to the forehead if you prefer something more physical. It was a very quiet ride back to my house with me rethinking everything that I had just done.

Part of me had prepared for this outcome though. At first I was going to review for a week before I took the exam, but the instructor hinted that I shouldn't wait too long. So instead of a week, I had two and a half days to review and I had some misgivings.

After the the first five questions I was already starting to doubt myself. I knew that I could only miss eleven and still pass. If some of the first ones were giving me trouble I knew that I wouldn't be able to miss any more toward the end.

Still I feel better knowing the exact format of the exam now and I also know what I need to study further to pass. Without too much exaggeration, I am determined to pass the exam. Once I have that certification in hand, I can finally start making some changes in my career.

Besides I was so close that I can't stop now. I may not live and breathe this stuff nearly as well as Ann, but I should still be able to pass the exam.

Naturally this brings up a point that I have hammered on many times before, but I'll do it again. I am convinced that I am caught in the transitional generation when it comes to computers. At the ripe old age of thirty-one, I did not grow up using the internet in grade school nor have I been in the field for twenty years. To put it another way I am not a young hip twenty something who has been monkeying with this stuff since high school and then into college. Nor am I a middle aged man with a gut who is trying to keep up with the changes in technology.

Okay, my use of the word generation is probably incorrect since Ann is part of my generation, but a difference of five years in the computer field is everything. All that I am saying is that I am someone who can grasp the concepts and still consider myself a liberal arts person. I am by no means a computer geek nor would I ever consider myself an expert. I know enough to hold down a job and that works for me at the moment. I should also state that my job is anything, but orgasmic to me. Ann, however, really gets into it at times.

I often wonder when we as a society will truly be a digital one. My belief is that we are still one generation away. Grandma and grandpa using email doesn't count either.


It seems that some millionaire paid his way to go to the international space station. At first the Russians were going to send him to Mir, but with that little piece of property coming hurtling back down soon, they changed his destination. Of course the fact that he used to work for the jet propulsion laboratory probably helped him get his ticket. Open the pod bay door, Hal.


In January I commented on how happy I was with the amount of focus that I had in my life and that trend seems to be continuing into this month. A large amount of my time and energy has been devoted to studying and this makes me happy. Ever so slowly I seem to be achieving something. I wouldn't go so far as to say that I have all of the answers to where I am going in life, but I don't feel completely lost either.

My life has never been a clearly defined path and I can accept that fact. I also try to use my varying interests as an advantage in life. I may not have one driving passion in life like so many other people that I know seem to possess, but I am still moving forward in my own way.

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