clouds of jupiter


a previous incarnation

Last night at work I brought some slides of my artwork in to show some of my coworkers. Surprised would probably be the best adjective to use to describe their reaction. Since I hadn't looked at them myself in months, I also enjoyed seeing them.

My art would be one of those things from my past that I was talking about yesterday. Each piece that I made is so much more powerful than a photograph for me. I can remember exactly where I was when I drew or painted something. All of those emotions still exist within that two dimensional construct. Even though I haven't done anything new lately, it still has the power to make me smile.

Wait a moment. I want to rephrase that last part about photographs. Obviously photographs also bring back a flood of memories, but the element of creation isn't as strong for me. Maybe if I actually developed the photos myself the feeling would change. There that sounds better.


Before I fall asleep in my bed, one of the last things that I see is a painting that I did about five years ago.

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