overcast and slow

I seem to be forgetting some details again in the journal. What I mean is I never talked about the people who were with me at the ballet last Friday. Nor did I mention what I thought of all of the remodelling that my dad was doing. I just seem to keep running out of time. Today however I let everything come to a complete halt and enjoyed it.


As for the ballet group, I knew all three of the girls that were there with me. One of them works where I do and the other two are friends of Donna's that I have met before here and there. Most of our conversation during the breaks was polite and unassuming.

Looking back at my hasty review of the performance, I feel as though I slighted some of the dancers, but I didn't mean it that way. Actually most of the time I was very impressed by what they were doing, I just wanted something a little different to happen.

I also have to wonder what it must be like to date a dancer. I magine her routine must keep her fairly busy and make a normal relationship more of a struggle. I could be wrong though and I don't see myself dating a ballet dancer any time soon to find out the answer.


I give my dad a lot of credit. Sometime last year my parents decided to install a jacuzzi in their house. So far he has managed to tear up all of the carpet and even moved one of the walls. Obviously the real challenge will be the plumbing which he explained to me in great detail. It seems strange to see the master bathroom that they sacrificed years ago finally coming to life.

Sixteen years ago when my parents first had the house built there had been some talk of having a three bedroom house, but I was outraged. To my mind at the time that was not going to happen. A three bedroom house meant that I would have to share a room with my brother. A fifteen year old boy does not want to share a room with his eight year old brother. Besides I had my own bedroom in our Milwaukee house, so why should I give it up when we moved. I was already going to lose all of my friends with the move and losing my own room was too much for me.

Over the years that fourth bedroom that I fought so hard for has been transformed more than once. I only spent three years in it before I left for college. Once I was gone it became Heather's room and then later my niece's room. Now it is going to be the master bedroom that it might have been years ago.


I see that the boys from Athens, Georgia are back with another album. At one time R.E.M. was the band for me. Stipe mumbling over the sound of the Peter Buck guitar were everything. Seeing them still around makes me feel old and part of me wishes that they would stop trying.


Today was the warmest day of the year so far in Milwaukee. Sadly I didn't get outside to enjoy it. The clouds had me fooled into thinking that it was better to stay inside for the day.


Australia is less than two months away for me. To keep myself focused on the trip I hung a map of Australia on my refrigerator. Ever so slowly I am beginning to form a mental map of where I am going to be in May.

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