lady isabel vane I'm not quite sure what to say about last night. It was the first night in close to a week that I didn't have to be at work yet I couldn't really relax either. There were so many other things that had to be done. There was laundry and reading for class to do. There were bills to sort through and I also needed to get some food. In the end I didn't do any of those things. Instead I did something completely different. I did some fun reading and then early in the morning I switched over to the reading for class. I suppose that that is very typical of me. If I am presented with a wide variety of options I usually want something that isn't offered. I also didn't finish the book in time for class, but I knew that I wouldn't. ... Looking back a year I can see that I was still pondering going back to school and now here I am with almost two semesters behind me. I definitely made a good decision there. I don't have everything figured out yet, but I'm not going to stop either. Maybe it might seem odd for someone like me to be going back for a master's degree now, but I need something else in my life besides work. I need to be around people that care about something other than computers or in my case routers and circuits. ... Jennifer was already in class by the time that I walked through the door and I took the seat to her left. She has a habit of eating in class, which she explained to me once. It seems that she has class for the entire day and the one that we share happens right during lunchtime. She was just about to start with a hard boiled egg when Stephanie walked int and asked her to come with her into the hall. Kevin was also asked to go with them. Not knowing her nearlt as well I stayed in the room and looked around witing for them to return. I imagine that they went into the hall for some privacy but all of their voices were amplied by the echo. I think that I heard the conversation better than if they had been seated next to me and whispering. It seems that her relationship of a year and nine months came to a grinding halt this week if not today. Then there was some crying from Stephanie and I wished that I could find something to distract my attention. I guess the only reason that I mention this little incident is that the book that we are reading is all about women and their relationships with men, most of which are very dramatic. Somehow what I overheard from the hall made far more sense to me than any of what we had read. Reading about a woman having her heart broken and seeing it happen do not compare. ... There isn't any class on Thursday, but I still have an appointment with my instructor. We need to discuss my topic for my second and final paper for this class. At the moment I have no idea what that might be. What I do know is that I'm not allowed to write a second paper on Great Expectations since that was the focus of my first one. Instead of having class, we've been invited to the instructor's house to watch a movie. She did this last semester, but I couldn't seem to find her house fromt the directions that she gave me. Oddly enough Jennifer saw me going the wrong way at the time, but she couldn't get my attention. Hopefully I won't have any problems this time. ... I was thinking about what I had accomplished last year and I came to the conclusion that my trip to Europe was the most important thing that I had done. I had finally made it there after so many years of saying that I was going. It was something that I will always remember and I am hoping that my trip to Australia will go just as well if not better.