please be quiet

Most of last night at work was spent in silence. It was the way that I wanted it to be. The other third shift person from my department is on vacation this week so everything falls on me. With him being gone I was also able to concentrate on what I needed to do.

There was a second reason for the silence. In the department that works next to mine is a woman that I can not tolerate. She doesn't think that what my third shift counterpart and I do is important. She also believes that we are there for her to annoy. She is wrong on both counts.

My absent counterpart humors her. I don't. She isn't worth my time. Now this charming level of distrust and loathing keeps the tension level fairly high, but I deal with it the best that I can.


Before I left work this morning, my boss surprised me with a bonus check. He said that it was long overdue, but that it was my reward for passing that exam a few months ago. The so called experts say that money is only a short term incentive in the busines world, but I can live with it. Quite often they say that people need more from a job than money. Happy employees want a job that makes them feel productive and satisfied. I imagine that those are valid things to have in a job, but I can't use them to buy things for myself.

Now if only they would upgrade my salary and change my job duties everything would be perfect.


Sleep was all that I wanted when I got home this morning. There was however one small problem. About three houses down the block from my house, there were two guys putting on a new roof. To me it seemed as though they were pounding on my roof and not one down the street. In my sleep addled mind I wanted some sniper to take both of them out. They needed to be silenced by any means.

Oddly enough when I woke up at about two in the afternoon, they were gone. The roof had been finished and I was impressed.

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