long term plans While I was sitting in the darkened movie theater yesterday afternoon waiting for the movie to start, I had some time to think about my life. I guess that if I had to sum up my current situation it would boil down to the fact that most of my energy has been going into planning the trip and that is fine with me. As selfish and immature as it might sound to some people, now is what works best for me and I'll worry about the rest of the year when I get back home. Besides I might be living under completely different circumstances a year from now and I may not have the freedom to travel. ... Venice is the latest city that I've been reading up on in the guidebooks. At first glance it sounds like a major tourist trap, but I guess that can be said for any famous place. Long ago I had heard that the gondola rides were expensive so that was nothing new, but I never really gave any thought to the hotel prices there. It seems that they are very expensive and I guess that this makes sense when land is limited. The only reason that this bothers me is that our current transportation route takes us through the city twice. Maybe we'll have to avoid Venice on our return trip north back to London. I am still amazed at how much I am learning from reading the guidebooks. At the moment most of these places are little more than names for me, but ever so slowly they are becoming more and more real to me. Of course they will be even more real when I'll actually be walking through these places and seeing everything with my own eyes for the first time. ... A steady afternoon rain fell throughout most of the day making everything a lush deep green. There may have been a few breaks in the rain, but it didn't truly stop until the sun started to set. While the rain fell I relaxed on the couch watching Woody Allen's Manhattan. Putting aside all of that business of him marrying his former adopted daughter, I still like his films. Something about that stereotypical neurotic Jewish humor really appeals to me.