go drop dead It's two in the afternoon and I should be asleep. Actually I did doze for a few hours, but woke up and remembered that Ann and I had planned to get some Dexter's Laboratory stuff today. She wasn't home when I called her. I guess that that wil have to wait until another day. ... Last night at work was yet another struggle between the one person at work that I can not tolerate and myself. This woman truly needs to work on her people skills. She fancies herself as an unspoken supervisor when in fact that is not her title. She merely fills in when the real supervisor is not present. All of this is moot since she has no authority over me. I am not a part of her department. I can lend her help if something falls into my area of knowledge. Otherwise I am free to ignore her and focus my attention on my job. Sample of the terse exchange that we had last night: Two face woman: What's wrong with the (insert name of vague application that we use)? Me: I don't know. (Thinking to myself that that is her problem and not mine, since I have nothing to do with that application. I work with circuit issues.) Two face woman: What is the name of that program that you guys take down? Me: (Insert name of application that I have used from time to time.) But I don't think that that is the problem. Why don't you wait fifteen minutes until (insert name of my more experienced coworker here) shows up? Two face woman: I'm going to take it down. Me: Well you can take the blame for doing the wrong thing. Two face woman: What? Me: (I repeated what I had just said) What part of English don't you understand? Two face woman: I can't hear you when you don't look at me and I am standing in the doorway with all of the machines making noise behind me. Me: (Thinking to myself, moron move out the door and then clean out your ears. Clearly she was going to do it whether or not I gave her permission to do so.) Well you can take the blame for doing the wrong thing. Two face woman: I am going to take the blame, because I am in charge. Me: (Shaking head. Whatever. Just get out of my sight you sorry excuse for a human being.) To sum everything up. I pawned her off on my coworker and he told her that she did the wrong thing. Once again I was right and she was wrong, but she will never admit it. The problem was something completely different and was something that could have waited fifteen more minutes. The woman just tries to aggravate me and I just need to remember that she isn't worth my time. The only way that I get through the week is that I only see this individual three nights of the week and I usually have my counterpart run interference for me. I should also mention that I am not the only person who complains about the two faced woman. In fact Nicole said that on the day that she leaves she will punch her out.