three different women One would think that since I write here as often as I do that I wouldn't have any problems talking about myself, but I do. If I think about it, I don't really talk that much about myself. Oh, I can discuss other things such as books, film and music, but in day to day life I do keep my personal life to myself. So where is this leading? Well, I think that I mentioned that there was a woman from where my sister works that wanted to meet me. Naturally this led to a few phone calls back and forth between the two of us which is fine. The problem is there seems to be just a few too many lulls in our conversations. Suddenly there will be a pause where each of us is trying to think of something else to say. One would think that everything under the sun would be fair game since we barely know each other, but the silence comes around fairly often. Maybe I need something to react to in order to get started. Then again maybe this is just my imagination. I certainly understand her background. Small town living is not something new to me. Now as to whether or not I want to get near that kind of life again is another story. I am not a big city person, but small town gossip drives me insane and I don't drive a truck. Speaking of driving, she seemed a little concerned when I told her about my new car. I wasn't expecting her to ooh and aah, but she almost sounded disappointed that I had a sporty car. It isn't as though I am trying to prove something with the car. In fact this is the first time that I have ever owned such a car. I don't know why, but her reaction seemed to bother me. I guess that I was hoping for someone that was a little more worldy perhaps. I'm not saying that I am overly street smart, but I don't exactly see me as the average suburban father type either. I don't know. Maybe I am jumping to conclusions already. In some ways it would be nice to expand the feminine input in my life from that of Ann and Nicole, but when we talk it is so much different. We know that nothing romantic is going to happen so we can be more open. I can tickle both of them and not worry about it, because it isn't leading anywhere. I also know that women talk differently to men that they aren't involved with sexually. The atmosphere or mood is very different. The emotions are more subdued or something to that effect. Things might be a little less guarded since what they say can't be used against them in an argument.