a quiet thursday Last night after I was done looking at the condo, I went to visit an old college roommate of mine. We hadn't seen each other for a year and it was nice talking with someone who has known me for a decade. We compared stories and generally just got caught up on each others lives. It was a nice way to spend the night. ... Eco-Challenge. I broke down and watched some television last night and there was an hour long program devoted to it. As crazy as it sounds I think that I want to do it. Probably not tomorrow, but sometime in the future. People seem to get so much out of their jobs, but for me doing or at the very least attempting to do the Eco-Challenge would truly be something that would make me proud. Anyone can have a job, but to be able to push one's body and will to the limit is amazing stuff. ... Before I went to sleep I had one of the most important phone calls that I have had in a long time. It offset an email that I had received earlier in the week.