time to breathe

I don't think that the week could have ended fast enough for me. Oh, there were some good things that happened, but I still needed a break from everything and I just want to relax on Sunday.

A week ago Ann was smacked down once again by the boss of our department and her attitude toward work ever since has been less than positive which I can understand. Now all that I can do is ride out the aftermath when she does leave. This may or may not happen soon. I can't really say.


I know that this will sound strange, but I can't wait to move because where I am now feels tainted. I don't feel welcomed in what should be my own home. Yes, I am merely a renter, but at one time it felt like a nice secure place to be. All of that has changed over the past few months. Now all that I want to do is escape as soon as I can.


The highlight of my day was an email from Her. Even in that remote form of communication she can still make me smile.

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