muggy moody monday Those short journal entries from the past two days make me wince, but I really didn't do that much worth mentioning either Saturday or Sunday. I wasn't depressed or anything, but I also didn't have that much to say. Just being home and not having to think too much was what I needed. No sun today, just off and on rain. Perfect reading weather, which is what I did. To Kill A Mockingbird was my choice for the afternoon. I have to confess that this was the very first time that I had ever read the book. It wasn't part of my high school career or undergraduate studies. Plus I always associated the book with the man who killed John Lennon. Almost every report that I have read states that the killer had a copy of it with him when he shot Lennon. Something about that connection always left a bad taste in my mouth. Speaking of bad taste, I will make one comment about the media coverage of the bombing and the public reaction to it and then forget it. Personally I am disturbed by all of the armchair generals that suddenly have come to life. Does America want a war that bad? Do we really miss having a Cold War that much? Has the average American forgotten Vietnam already, because I can see public opinion swaying if this drags on for years which it probably will. I guess that the average armchair general wants another "kickass" version of offshore bombing that we had back with the "Gulf War" less than a decade ago. "It made for great television and we got to prove who was boss." Is this professional wrestling or international politics? Mob mentality. Sigh. ... Last Friday night Her and I had been talking about September and how from here the rest of the year seems to fly by. Summer may crawl, but autumn doesn't. ... I made a mistake. Mark David Chapman had a copy of Catcher In The Rye on him when he killed John Lennon, not To Kill A Mockingbird. I haven't read Catcher In The Rye.