going to school

School doesn't quite feel the same as it did a year ago. Circumstances have changed and so have I. Oh, I still enjoy the walks to class, but since my class starts on the half hour, I don't see as many people as I did last semester. For the most part the campus always seems empty to me when I am there.

I still like the other form of interaction that I get from class as opposed to what I do at work, but I wouldn't say that I am part of the college community. All of that seems so far away from me. In fact I only talk with a few people from class and its casual conversation at best.

None of this means that I am going to stop going, but at the same time my focus there seems a little fuzzy at best. With the majority of my attention being given over to the condo, I don't have that much time for school beyond the minimum effort. I need to change that amount in the coming weeks.


In The Color Purple there is a character named Shug. Well, in my mind I thought that this rhymed with rug, but I later learned that I was wrong. Since this is the south this is in fact short for sugar and is pronounced shoog. Sigh. Personally I prefer my version of the name and it made for a good laugh for me and another classmate.

The south never ceases to frighten me.


Sitting on my porch for the first time in weeks listening and watching dry leaves skitter across the driveway, I suddenly realized that I don't get outside as nearly as much as I should. I want that to change when I move at the end of the month.

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