nicole wore white

Lately I have been having problems thinking or at the very least being able to write my thoughts here. I think that this is due to my fighting off a cold for the past few days. Despite my not quite being all here, I did manage to wrap all of my Christmas presents last night and do some laundry at the same time.

Speaking of Christmas presents, I found out a little too late that one of the gifts that I had got for my niece was something that she already owned. Someone had just bought it for her a week or so ago. Sigh. Now I know that that isn't that hard of a problem to fix, but I thought that I was ready for Christmas. Thankfully Ann bought it from me for her oldest daughter.

After work I stopped by the toy store and thought that I had a new gift for my niece, but started to wonder whether she already had that one as well. What this meant is that I left the store empty handed and will have to return tomorrow.


My buddy Nicole has yet to finish her Christmas shopping and is debating whether or not to get her son a kitchen set. He already has a small set of dishes that she doesn't use. It seems that he plays with them when she is doing the dishes, but she thought that a play set complete with a sink would be even better. Her one small and somewhat silly concern is whether this will affect him in any way. I guess she doesn't want her little boy to appear too feminine or get picked on by other little boys because of his toys.

I guess that her son already owns a toy vacuum and loves it.

I won't hear until after Christmas what she decided to do.

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