no online time

Whatever hint of a cold that I might have had was gone today. I was myself again, a little tired maybe, but I was feeling better than I had in days.

Just as I hoped it would be, work was calm enough on Saturday night Sunday morning. Nicole and I spent some time talking and Ann was tired but pleasant enough when she came in Sunday morning.

Immediately after work I was back at the toy store and actually enjoying myself. That early on Sunday morning, the store was still fairly empty. Ann had speculated that most of the people who do get up that early on a Sunday are probably in church and then do their shopping afterwards. It sounded reasonable enough to me.

My mom had said that I like toy stores now just as much as I did when I was little and I'd have to say that that is true. I love toy stores. Wandering up and down the aisles is fun. I'll stop here and there just to try something out. Then I'll spot something that I never would have thought of as a toy.

I could have spent hours there, but half an hour was enough as I walked out with a new expensive toy for my niece.


My family brought over my grandma to see my place. While they were here, I think that I got my niece hooked on anime. Actually she only had enough time to watch part of a Captain Harlock episode, but she asked if she could see the rest some other time. She had to know how the story was going to end.

This was also the first time that my family had seen my Christmas tree. Being slightly eccentric and very thrifty, my dad had cut the trees himself. When I say cut, I mean he literally climbed up a living tree and cut the top off. He has done this for years. It seems that my mom and dad used to argue about the trees in the lot. So as a compromise my dad cuts the trees for free off of property up north and my mom accepts whatever he brings home. This way my dad can be happy with the price and my mom doesn't have to spend hours going from tree lot to tree lot looking for the perfect tree that fits my dad's price range. Of course my mom never knows quite what to expect when my dad comes home.

We are also waiting for the day that my dad falls out of the tree while he is cutting off the top of it. Quite often my dad seems to emulate Tim Taylor from the television show Home Improvement.


With all of my new found free time, I went on a movie renting spree. Actually I got most of them from the library. Not only does the library have a fairly current selection, they also have movies on dvd. I walked away with four movies, including Chocolat, Heavenly Creatures, Holy Smoke and True Romance.

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