reading about estonia

The more I read the more I realize how little I know about parts of Europe. For example, the Baltic states were never really discussed that much in geography class or if they were I don't remember that much from what I was told. Then again when I was in grade school and even through high school most of that part of the world was still firmly locked behind the iron curtain. It was still a world of us and them. When I was growing up, the evil empire had nothing to do with Osama Bin Laden. We still had the red menace or what was left of it from the 1950's.

Once again I amazed at the way that Europe is continually reshaped through the centuries. One group of people shoves another group out so that they can be in control. Then a few years later the reverse happens. This cycle repeats and repeats and no one ever seems to learn anything.

Maybe the close proximity of all of those different people has something to do with it. Then again maybe this is me just being an American. Here we like to say that there is room for everyone. It doesn't matter that the American government pushed another native culture aside to make room for the hodge podge one that we have now. Still I find it hard to understand how so much can change just by crossing over a border, an imaginary line.


My time management skills are failing me again. Most of today was ill used. About all that I accomplished was a backup of my computer and the creation of a new music cd for me to listen to on my commute. I could have done so much more if I had been concentrating harder.

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