an email sent

The new place is nice. I am still rearranging things, but it does feel like home. It was definitely a good move even though people like to say that I am locked into debt now. Sigh. Whatever. For the most part very little in my life has changed except for the fact that I am no longer a serf. I can put holes in the wall and or pee on the floor if I want, but I probably won't. Being outside of Milwaukee is nice and I like the rural feel, an urban child I am not.

On the whole my life seems to be in freefall again with the madness of the holidays coming and going. As to what is going to happen next has yet to be determined. A return to Europe in either late May early June is in the works. If I die on a plane, I die. Besides I think that the whole concept of getting fat with watching television and drinking beer as major activities is nowhere in my future. I have to keep doing things that so many other people say that they will do, but then don't.

I just finished my third semester of school and it feels odd not to have to go there twice a week now. It definitely fills a need in my social circle and I like being able to talk with people outside of work. The women are also easy on the eyes although they also make me feel old sometimes with their overt optimism.

Between buying the new place and school most of my pop culture diet was put on hold. I haven't seen a new movie since August and I may not see one until next year. Music has also been largely absent from my day to day life. Although I think that I mentioned the now defunct alternative country group Whiskeytown to you at some time.


The above was word for word an email that I recently sent to my good friend Dan in California. Somehow I think that I come across a little more coarse or brutal than I do in the journal. Why there would be a difference is something I don't know. I mean I would hope that I would sound the same in all of my writing. but I probably don't.

To be honest there is a definite tone that I seem to adopt in the journal. Sometimes that kind of approach seems to work better for me. Suddenly it becomes a form of problem solving rather than pure emotion, which may or may not be a good thing. Maybe that will change with time.

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