hugging the globe Outside my window snowing is blowing down to the ground. It had been swirling around harder when I first got home, but it seems to be subsiding now. Naturally this hint of a storm comes a little too late for the holidays to create the cliche told in a song, but we knew that it had to come sometime. Wisconsin needs snow in order for winter to be complete. Personally I don't envy the fine people in Buffalo, New York. They can keep the blizzard that they have been having all to themselves. Despite a mild foggy feeling in my head I sat and watched some more of my Neon Genesis movie that came this week from China. Yes, I can listen to them speak Japanese and have Chinese subtitles to confuse me even more if I want. ... This will be the first time in three years that I won't be working on New Year's Eve and at the moment I have absolutely no plans for that evening. On Christmas Eve I had talked with Summer and found out that she has the night off from work, but wasn't sure what she wanted to do. Spending time with her didn't sound promising. More than likely I'll just spend the night at home watching movies. The idea of going out on that night lost its appeal years ago so it really isn't that important to me what I do. ... Nicole had some great holiday stories for me when I talked with her last night at work. It seems that she has more than one gift that she needs to either return and or exchange. My favorite was the sweatshirt that she was given as a gift. Apparently there is a stripe across the top of the sweatshirt that is much too high for her. She says that it makes her shoulders look even more broad. Then we both started to say that the stripe should be lower so that her chest or as she put it her boobs would look bigger. This was quickly followed by laughter from both of us. That girl can always make me smile. She knows that life can only be taken so seriously otherwise people would go insane. In fact I truly believe that the people who do go insane feel too much or at the very least do not know how to dampen some of those emotions. Some kind of balance has to be achieved. ... There is joke at work about who will get to Europe first next year. Ann is hoping to go to Norway in either January or February. I plan on being in a different part of Europe sometime in either late May or early June. The joke is that Ann can't possibly afford to go unless she wins the lottery. Not only do we have different destinations in mind. We also have different reasons for going. I want to go to see another part of the world. She wants to go to be with her man from Norway.