wandering edwardian women I spoke in error the other day or maybe too quickly. I thought that I had worked New Year's Eve last year, but when I looked back through the journal I clearly saw that I didn't. In fact I was watching movies just like I did last night. I also noticed that I was talking about Nicole and Ann. I wonder if that much consistency is a good thing. Instead of The Green Mile, Requiem for a Dream ushered me into the new year. Now the first film focuses on death row and the other one revolves around heroin addiction, yet The Green Mile can still almost qualify as a family film. Something about having the latter day version of Jimmy Stewart, Tom Hanks, in it makes the movie less depressing and uplifting. Despite the harsh subject matter I still thoroughly enjoyed Requiem. All four of the main actors did an excellent job with their characters and it was a different take on the drug scene than what was depicted in the movie Trainspotting, which I also love. I guess that the main difference would be that the humor from Trainspotting which made the people in it so lovable was largely absent in Requiem. There was no Spud or Sick Boy to make me laugh. Instead of humor I got to watch the lovely Jennifer Connelly go downhill, which isn't a bad trade. Oh, I knew from the very beginning of the film that they were going to fall, but the process itself was something to watch. Naturally it starts out slow and then builds to the crushing landing. There was also some great camera work where the people seem to move with the camera and everything moves around them. I have no idea what that technique is called but I love it. ... Uncle Eric, that would be, did okay in the gift giving department. My parents told me that my niece sleeps with the Sulley and Boo that I got her for Christmas. When a child sleeps with a toy, a person knows that they made a good choice. My parents were also quick to mention to me that they take the batteries out at night. A talking toy during the day might be tolerable, but a whole night of it is another story. I can picture her lying in bed making them talk over and over and over again driving everyone else in the house insane. ... Early this afternoon I made a mistake. I thought that it be a good idea to go see a movie, but I quickly learned that I was not the only one with that brilliant idea. When I got near the theater, there were cars lined up just to get into the parking lot. Then looking past the cars I could see the long line of people outside the theater. It was too much for me and I turned around and headed home. I didn't need to see a movie that badly. Actually just as I was approaching my house I decided to keep driving. I felt like exploring my new surroundings. Even though I've been here a little over two months, I know next to nothing about the local landmarks and roads. All that I did was go back and forth to either work or school these last two months. An hour later I pulled back into my garage. I had seen the area farms and a few odd houses here and there. Even more strange was the elaborate if not Japanese garden that I saw lying dormant under a dusting of snow. Something tells me that it must be amazing in summer. I'll have to go back and see it when everything is green. ... Early this evening I got an unexpected phone call. Everything was quiet as I finished eating my dinner of spaghetti when I heard it ring. At I first I thought that it was just a telemarketer since my caller ID said that it was out of area. Once I see that on the display I tend to ignore the call. Then as I walking away the answering machine started and I heard her voice. It was Summer. When I picked up the phone, I caught her by surprise. I think that she was prepared to do a hit and run on the machine and wasn't expecting me to answer. I had done or planned to do the same thing on Christmas Eve, but she had picked up on me that time. There might be a pattern in there somewhere. She sounded good if not slightly flustered as usual. Her holiday had been fine and she was going back to work tomorrow. All of the free time had been strange for her and I think that she was almost getting bored. Soon the conversation started to wind down or to be honest her free calling card ran down. Yes, the woman does live on a very tight budget, but she seems to manage or at least I hope that she does. Her last words were that I should call her sometime and I will. I would have called her right back, but she was getting ready to eat herself.