no money here

Usually Mondays are a day for me to relax. Unlike most people I don't have to hurry off to work. Instead I sleep late and sometimes leave the house long after the noon hour has passed. Today was a little different. I had some phone calls to make and by the time that noon rolled around I almost wished that I was at work. In fact I did very little the rest of the day because I was so upset.

Due to an "encoding error" a check that I had written back in December was cashed for the wrong amount. Naturally this was the check for my mortgage and not something minor that wouldn't affect me that much. Nor was the difference a small amount. The difference was hundreds of dollars.

Earlier this month I had made a couple of phone calls to correct the error, but there still seems to be some confusion on the part of the other two parties involved in this mess. My bank adjusted the check, but did so after I had already mailed another check to make up the difference. The mortgage company says that they only have one of those transactions and that I need to send more money. My answer to that suggestion was no.

I told them that they already have enough for two mortgage payments and that I was not about to send them a third one. The money is no longer in my account. It has to be somewhere in the electronic ether.

Oh, here is one customer service suggestion to companies. Being on hold or as my dad calls it "ignore" for forty-five minutes is not good business. I never want to hear forties swing music again. I had every single song memorized by the time that I spoke with a human.


Sometime during the day I finished reading Kissing the Beehive and it was well worth my time. The main character, hero and or protagonist of the novel reminded me of a more acidic version of myself. At least that is how I would see myself after being married three times. Personally I think that one failed marriage would be enough for me, but I could be wrong.

There is one downside to enjoying books writen by Jonathan Carroll and that would be the fact that most of them are out of print here in the United States.

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