must remain calm

Not that it really matters that much to anyone other than myself, but I have to mention that Nicole and I are back to our usual relationship. I probably reacted stronger than she did yesterday and today was really a new day for us. Besides I think that she knows how much she means to me and that I need someone in my life who is sane. I need someone that knows that most of what we do at work is meaningless and that there are more important things in life than a job.

Both her and I can laugh about things and make life better for one another. She is one of the few people that can make me happy and I do the best that I can for her. If that isn't love than at the very least I think that that would qualify for friendship.


I am always amazed at the amount of psychic damage that some people can seem to endure. That has never been something that I am good at doing. I can let things linger in my mind for weeks if not longer. That may or may not be a healthy way to live. I don't know.


The big event for the bed was the delivery of the bed that I had ordered last October. I had been told that it would arrive sometime today between eight thirty and eleven this morning. Naturally they got to my place shortly after eleven. In fact I saw the truck go speeding by my place and wondered if they were going some place else first. When they got here, I asked them about it and they said that they weren't. They just missed my road. Sigh.


My horoscope for the day:

"While other people struggle to become the next famous expert in their chosen profession, you're perfectly happy to dabble here and there. Sagittarians have a field day as they explore one museum after another, and Jacks- and Jills-of-all-trades will get more work than they can handle. It's easy to get caught up in the moment, but try not to take on more than you can handle. Remember that signing the contract is the easy part. The real challenge lies in delivering what's now expected from you."

For me this is nothing new. I have always said that I was born to have multiple jobs over the course of my life.


By the end of the day I felt like myself for the first time in a week. All of the stress from work was gone and I wanted that feeling to stay with me for a while.

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