below freezing again

California Dan and I were talking some more about the whole schoolgirl look and he said that his mental image would be of Reese Witherspoon and I had to agree. She has that look and I loved it in the movie Election with her and Matthew Broderick.

In an odd bit of personal trivia I was there in Omaha, Nebraska when that movie was being filmed. There were signs in the mall explaining what they were doing there and if anyone objected to their image being used they were instructed to stay out of certain areas of the mall. I never saw a camera in operation while I was there though. Nor did I see Reese.


Part of class was spent watching the light play off of Amanda's hair two rows ahead of me. One wouldn't call her hair a strawberry red, but a deep auburn red that changed colors as she moved her head; hair that needs to be touched to be fully appreciated.

I think that this was the first time all semester that I had seen her with it down. Usually she has it all gathered up into a ponytail and held in place with a scrunchie. For me it was a nice change of pace.

The saturated rust red sweater was another nice touch to her look. From my vantage point the color complimented her hair perfectly.

She seemed relaxed if not bored with what was being said by the professor. I could be wrong though since I never saw her expression. Her whole mood was a mystery beyond what her body language conveyed. What I do know is that I could have held in my arms for hours, but I didn't. I was busy taking notes on why Old English is so different than Modern English. Now hours later holding her seems like a better idea to me.

Oh, I also noticed that she likes the latest trend in jeans for women, which I think is called the distressed look. One can recognize this type by the distinctive faded portion right on the ass of the jeans. The rest of the jeans will be a standard faded shade of blue and then right on the cheeks there will be a definite white area. If she was trying to get someone's attention, well she certainly got mine.

I really can't say that much about women who wear those kinds of jeans since I know that my little sister owns a pair. Ahem.


As busy as the week has been for me, I know that things aren't going to get any slower this weekend. I have a play on both Friday and Sunday night to see.

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