foreign film viewing For the second morning in a row I came home from work feeling relaxed. Work had been calm enough and Nicole had been the liveliest that I had seen her in days. Just being able to spend time with her always improve my mood. My last sight of her was of her being given a piggyback ride down the hall and into the elevator. Seeing her like that I couldn't resist playfully spanking her butt a few times, before the door closed. There was no way that she could defend herself without falling and she knew it. By the time the door to the elevator had opened a floor later, she had been returned to the ground. It was good to see her that happy, but I must confess that I wish that it could have been me having that much fun with her. I almost felt like staying a little longer, but didn't. I was too tired to horse around and we seem to relate in a different way. Although there was the one time that she grabbed ahold of me and started dancing around the room. ... An hour or so before I went to work last night, my telephone rang. I had fallen asleep again and was more than a little dazed when I answered it. On the other end of the line was my very excited sister Hope. Apparently she had some news that she just had to tell me. She had bought a dog. In fact she was so excited I think that she was half expecting me to come over to the house to see the dog before I went to work. I didn't go since I thought that it could wait until the weekend. ... My copy of the Three Colors DVD set came in the mail today. It was a nice surprise from Brazil. Yes, I said Brazil. For some unknown reason they released a DVD set of the trilogy that cost me less than buying the movies individually. I couldn't pass it up even though I already own VHS copies of Blue and Red. Now I can watch French films with English subtitles on DVDs that have menus in Portuguese. Oh, I should also mention that some of the characters speak Polish in White. Sadly, I only speak English and can understand a small amount of French mostly from watching the films so many times. White, the middle film of the trilogy is still the darkest one for me and I wish that I could explain why. Every time that I watch it, I question the things that men and women do to one another when they say that they are in love. Listening to why Julie Delpy chose to do the role didn't give me that much insight either. My only real clue as to what the film is supposed to convey is the fact that white on the French flag means equality and in the film Dominique and Karol are equally cruel to one another. Maybe tomorrow I'll get around to watching the Irene Jacob interview.