her naughty son

Nicole had the best mom and son story that I had heard from her in a while. On Saturday afternoon her little boy had pushed her to the limit and as with most disasters it started out small and quickly grew.

The chain of events began when she saw him wander into the kitchen and then heard him open the refrigerator door. She told him to get out of the refrigerator and close the door. Usually he listens and that is the end of it, but that didn't happen this time. What she heard next was not the sound of the door closing, but that of a liquid hitting the floor.

By the time that she got into the kitchen he had already poured out a partially filled gallon of chocolate milk onto the floor. Naturally she yelled at him and told him to get of the kitchen as she started to sop up the spilled milk using every paper towel available. Now since she abhors the smell of milk she said that she was gagging the whole time which made her even more angry. Of course while she was busy cleaning one mess, her son was hard at work making another one for her.

When she returned to the living room, she saw a brownish gray puddle on her end table with her son driving his toy cars through it. One by one he had inserted her cigarettes into an open can of soda and then turned it upside down into an ashtray, which gave him the disgusting puddle that she saw. Personally I thought that that was pretty clever of him, but at the same time I probably would have been just as upset as she was when she saw it.

The final mess was the chocolate milk footprints that he had left on the carpet. Once those were cleaned, she woke her fiance telling him that she had had enough and that he needed to get her some new cigarettes. Upon his return she promptly went to sleep.


What I had thought would be a quiet and quick night became the busiest one yet for me this year. Every single hour that I was there I was trying to fix one problem after another. With the clocks moving ahead one hour I thought that things would be even better than my usual Saturday night, but I couldn't have been more wrong. Lunch was forgotten and things were still broke in the morning when I left half an hour late.

Thankfully I was completed relaxed by the time I walked into my house. My weekend had begun and work was a distant memory as it should be when I'm not there.


My television viewing was all over the place as the night went by. Victoria Pratt and the rest of the Mutant X gang provided background noise as I cooked supper. Tracker gave me something to watch while I chewed said supper and then did laundry. Then the movie October Sky kept me entertained until Agents Scully, Reyes and Doggett appeared.

I had my doubts about Burt Reynolds on the X-Files, but it worked. He was funny and not overly distracting. I also dug the crazy soundtrack and numerology theme of the episode. Now with only six episodes left, I am curious to see how they end it all.

Before I drifted off to sleep there was an odd mix of public television flickering in front of me. A program about the Rockefellers and Ludlow, Colorado gave way to a British series about a bomb disposal unit during World War II.

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