don't wake vishnu Besides two days in a row of continual rain, there have been a couple of other signs of spring here in Wisconsin. They might be subtle to most people, but I still noticed them. The first sign of spring would be what I saw along the shore of Lake Michigan. Somewhere in the past week or two, they finally took down the snowfence that has been on the main beach here in Milwaukee since sometime last year. I doubt that anyone will be seen swimming any time soon, but at least it's a step in the right direction. The second sign of spring would be the start of road construction, which also seems to be the longest season in the state. Orange cones and closed lanes were enough to make me change my route to and from school. It might be a minor thing to some people, but I'd rather not deal with it. ... The day started off well enough with a conversation with Nicole, but from there it went downhill. All if not most of my motivation and energy was gone by noon. I had left the house once to do some errands and the rain was enough to send me back inside. It may have been warm, but I wasn't about to spend that much time getting soaked by it. My reading was minimal today and so was the cleaning that I did around the house. Nothing good came in the mail and television had even less to offer. Suddenly all that I wanted to do was sleep, but I couldn't. Somehow I managed to turn Sundays around for me and now it seems that I need to work on my Mondays. I detest wasting a day, but that is exactly what happened today.